Smoky Quartz Kuan Yin Pendant

$ 135.00

Sterling Silver Wire Wrapped Light Smoky Quartz Kuan Yin Pendant- JWR0001 64mm x 35mm x 15mm. Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone, it helps one to be present in one’s body and the world. It transmutes negative energies in one’s environment, and is said to be protective from EMF's. It is a good stone for “keeping things clear” by purging the atmosphere of unspoken resentments or suppressed conflicts. It can help one feel more at home in the world and empowered in creating or changing one’s reality. Kuan Yin is the physically and spiritually beautiful Chinese goddess of mercy, compassion, and protection. Her name means "she who hears prayers". She is also a bodhisattva, which means "enlightened being". Bodhisattvas can become Buddhas; however, Kuan Yin has such a deep love for humanity that after she attained enlightenment, instead of ascending to Buddhahood, she chose to remain in human form until every one of us becomes enlightened. It's said that the mere uttering of her name affords protection from harm. She teaches us to live a life of harmlessness, using great care to ease suffering in the world and not add to it in any way. Stone size 42mm x 23mm.

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