Emberlite Darth Vader Carving~CREMDARV
Emberlite Darth Vader Carving~CREMDARV. Emberlite is considered a stone of "tough love”, connects the heart with sane, sound, logical reasoning & decision making, encourages being true to self & standing up for your beliefs, helps to eliminate confusion, & to make one adaptable to each situation, excellent stone for use in groups; it provides for fellowship, solidarity, & a commonality of goal and purpose, facilitates the manifestation of the qualities of companionship & mutual dependence, encouraging self-esteem, self trust & trust in others, can be used to enhance truthfulness in emotions, allowing one to both recognize & verbalize the true feelings, can provide one with access to the sacred laws of the universe, stimulates the Pineal Gland & the Third Eye, & deepens meditation, an aid to those studying symbolism & its role in the greater scheme, by helping one to become aware of the patterns that can occur over the course of one's life, & their meanings and purposes. Fluoresces under UV light. 54mm x 62mm x 63mm.