Mariam Jasper Giraffe Carving~CRMJGIRA

$ 88.00

Mariam Jasper Giraffe Carving~CRMJGIRR. I have been able to find no less than 13 names for this material including Elephant Skin Jasper, Sanskrit Stone, and Script Stone. Mariam Jasper was formed from fossilized sea grasses and other plant material. It is said to help keep one cool under severe pressure. It is an alchemist stone, enabling one to transform seemingly hopeless situations into positive ones. It is also thought to counterbalance the busy modern world by bringing back pleasure in nature. It has been used for long term business decision making and forward planning. It is said to counter instant gratification that can destabilize a happy relationship, and aids the gentle release of karma or trauma from the past. 155mm x 127mm x 41mm


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