Lazulite Heartss~CRLAZHRT
Lazulite Heartss~CRLAZHRT. Lazulite is called a "stone of heaven", bringing in the clarity and purity of energy from the omnipresent forces of the Universe. This "heavenly" stone is excellent in meditation to take one to the home of euphoria. As a third-eye stone, it has stimulated visions (specifically from the locality of the mineral with respect to ancient cultures who were present in the past). It has also been used successfully in the activation of the third-eye and too increase all of the intuitive abilities. It was also used by the ancients as a "worry stone" to provide insight to worries and to encourage application of intuitive answers. The affirmation for lazulite is "I claim my innate capacities for psychic abilities, and commit myself to the work of discovering the transcendent functions of my fully awakened self". 40mm x 17mm
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