Creator's Star Faceted Red Hematoid Quartz~CRRHQCS4

$ 10.00

Creator's Star Faceted Red Hematoid Quartz~CRRHQCS4. The six-pointed star is the Creator's Star or Star of Creation. Its six points stand for the six days of creation, and are also represent the six attributes of God: power, wisdom, majesty, love, mercy and justice. This star is the same as the Star of David, a symbol of Judaism modern-day Israel. Also, it is a representation of the Merkaba. The six-pointed star is of ancient origin and is used in many other religions with a variety of meanings. Quartz is an energy amplifier, said to bring the energy of the stars into the soul. It is considered a stone of harmony, and is thought to facilitate communication with spiritual and other-worldly masters, teachers, and healers. Quartz can be programmed as a constant prayer or intent generator. Red Hematoid Quartz is the ‘Stone of the Seeker’, a key to open many doors within and all around, a stone that can be called upon when seemingly all else fails, or when there is confusion of what other crystal or mineral to connect with, it attracts its keeper to genuine source, a stone that helps stop one misjudging, as well as being misjudged, helps one to stand out of the crowd, to be different in a positive way, said to help diminish and lower negative and harmful rays or frequencies such as electro-magnetic fields and frequencies, also known as EMF. Great for wire wrapping! 22mm x 19mm x 9mm

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