Sagenite Quartz Crystals~CRSAGQTZ

$ 5.00

Sagenite Quartz Crystals~CRSAGQTZ.  Sagenite Quartz is used in shamanic practices for clearing the energy field and clearing negative entities that create spiritual maladies. It is said to ease and accelerate one's growth by use of one's highest wisdom. It encourages one to "take the best shortcut you can, the only shortcut that’s good, and the only shortcut that works, and that’s kindness.” It is “a stone for wisdom”. It assists one in being judicious in ones experiences and to gain insight into ones inner being so that one may “learn ones lessons the first time around”, and not have to repeat onerous situations. It can be used to “filter out” muddy areas in the aura. Carrying Sagenite Quartz while smudging produces a doubly powerful positive energy, encouraging the radiance of the positive white light to shine in all areas of ones environment. It encourages deliberate action via the exquisite art of kindness. It also slowly yet deliberately clears other minerals. It has been used to stimulate the optimum levels of well being within the unborn child, while being protective to the body of the mother. One (1) Sagenite Quartz Crystal. Size varies. Avg. size 55mm x 28mm x 21mm

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