Feng Shui Form~Donna Stellhorn

$ 14.99

Feng Shui Form~Donna Stellhorn. What if you could attract good money energy and more love into your life? What if you could find easy ways to support good health and wellness—both for yourself and for your loved ones? What if you could improve your ability to concentrate or create and complete the projects that are important to you? When we enjoy harmony in some physical place in our lives, we can give our full attention to the people who are important to us, to our work and the things we value on an individual, internal level. Feng Shui is very effective at creating the type of environment that can help you thrive and prosper. Form School Feng Shui is popular both in China and in the West, in fact it is one of the oldest systems of Feng Shui still practiced in China today. Feng Shui Form's Author and Design Expert Donna Stellhorn translates the ancient wisdom of Form Feng Shui into doable concepts for today's Western lifestyles, homes, community structures and everyday environments. Read the book that gives you the feeling of having your own personal Feng Shui consultation! Paperback.

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